Types of Evaluation

Important aspects of an evaluation 

Descriptive axis 

Describing something is simple, if you understand well what you want to express. Quantitatively and qualitatively for academic performance it is nothing more than taking into account its actions at a given moment and its long-term performance added to several moments.

Normative axis 

Following the standards set in any place will be a gateway to a favorable future. Then in an evaluation the performance used according to the established norms will give a better result, taking into account the objectivity of the evaluator. 

Axis of decision making

What you decide today is crucial for tomorrow, that is, the decisions you make when you take a test is relevant for the future, for the end of an evaluation. When you have a favorable formative process it is possible to intervene for decision making when giving a final evaluation. 

There are different types of evaluations, among them at the moment which can be  the beginning, in process and at the end, the first as it says is at the beginning, which initially evaluates the collection of a previous all is the mold to start the way, while in the process will be obtained results with the sum of learning, the mistakes made and overcome here is where you really learn for the future, and finally the end, saying this is what has been achieved, it is the maximum value that has been achieved, this is where the value is given to all of the above. Argued (Cassanova, 1995)

There are other types of evaluation in which its main importance is to know where you are and where you want to go, they do not define you, however they are the foundation of the path, then there are many questions as to how to evaluate or assess, as to the teachers involved in this training, although it is true that an evaluation defines a pass or suspended, what really matters is how much you have learned and how much you want to end up learning, that is the real importance of an evaluation, in a university it is really difficult but who has not started again, besides it is known that life is a constant learning, what should be changed is the way of teaching and evaluating, it should be more fair to what is deeply understood and what is really needed for the future. 

Fig. (Types of Evaluation) Soure: Ann- Murray Brown. (2020)

Brown, A. (2020). Evaluation Question
