Evaluation or Valuation?

The asseseement of learning

"According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanich  Academic the Word assess means: " To atribute or determine the value of somenting or someone taking into account various elements or judgments" (RAE, 2018)", "and deepening on the etymology of the word is found that comes from the old French word "assesser", wich means accompanying as assistant judge or guide. So, it can be said that assessing is the process of gathering information about the student´s achievements and performance throughout the learning process, and according to these early results the teaching process can be modified with the firm purpose of optmizing the learning." 

By being objective we are evaluating something, by being fair we are assessing something, this leads us without any doubt that an evaluation is not an assessment because an evaluation is much more complex than a simple or important assessment, although when we hear about an evaluation we automatically think of a score or a value, which is wrong.

Objectively we get a pass or fail and that is where we see an evaluation, when we get a score we have an assessment, an evaluation is based on a sum of everything that is accumulated over a period of time, that is where you can judge how much has been learned.

This is where the teacher intervenes and should not only take into consideration a short answer but also go deeper into what the person has understood at the time of taking a test with an adequate assessment of their understanding, it should be important to have an individual evaluation system that goes deeper in order to give an adequate evaluation. 

Fig. Evaluation source:SVK .(2022)


Española, R. A. (2018). Evaluation (Vol. 23va).

SVK .(2022). Valuation or evaluation?
