The evaluation in the University

 We come from a totally different world than what it will be like in college, when we talk about college sometimes we get excited and other times we can be terrified of the fact that it will be a crucial point for what our life will be like in the future. In college mainly changes the grading method, it is an important point but in other words basically college is this:

"At the ideological level, in wich the evaluation has two important and delicate functions: on the one hand, legitimizing the cultural heritage, thus helping to perpetuate the established order; and onother hand, to eliminate the subjects that do not belong to the dominant social class, since they have not propely assimilated the idological principles that were intended to be transmitted to them." (Forn,1980)

So it is difficult to assimilate this theory that basically is the university, it is understandable now one must fight for his way and go molding it, but sometimes one must stop to start again which is something difficult being in a different environment than when your parents helped you or in high school when you had a chance to overcome a note or some work with another, which means that the evaluation has become a way to sacrifice the lives of young people and not only sacrifice time, everyone chooses what he wants to be but also each qualification defines many things. 

As for the external factors in which a person lacks the time, but also tries to learn more by going to college, it is not justifiable because everyone chooses what to study and knows what it takes, but something crucial in this are the teachers, a suitable method for the student is likely to help improve their evaluation. This leads us to the fact that a teacher is really trying to teach or eliminate students from the career for that longed-for future! because they do not care about the arguments or what the person has understood, they only rely on an answer that is so simple and yet so complicated, they minimize everything that a person has worked for by studying

What leads us to a bad grade is not necessarily not having studied and that is where the crucial factors that exist in our adult lives intervene but that career can only be finished by being constant, there is no need to improve or study more, there should be another perspective of evaluation that are accepted and taken into account by teachers to help those people to get better grades, which they did not get before for having had external inconveniences of everyday life because who does not have problems that can decontrol the daily routine? 

"The educational system has made us believe from an early age that what is important is to pass, wrongly accepted as a synonym for learning.  Do not forget these days that intelligence is not a number from 0 to 10. "(J.J Frias, 2022) 

Fig. Remember Source: Nathalir Sark. (2019)


Forn. (1980). Evaluation.

Frias, J. (2022). Thoughts of Knowledge.

Nathalir Sark. (2019). Remember
